Happy Place 1/21/16


I want to start doing a segment on this blog called “Happy Place”. I feel as if I have truly realized the importance of mental comfort zones throughout this past semester at U of M. There were many times in which I felt hopeless, lonely, angry and quite scared. Usually, these emotions were the bi-product of situations I put myself in. Procrastination and laziness lead to missed deadline, which led to lower grades, which would lead into a fear of opening emails which lead to an acute fear of all things academic. After begging for extensions and rushing to make up lost work, I’d often stay up all night making lists. Lists of what I needed to finish, what I could no longer finish, and what I still had left. I neglected to take care of myself because I wanted to finish my work first. But with no work being finished, I was slipping further and further into an abyss of procrastination and fear.

Continue reading Happy Place 1/21/16

The Roommate from Hell…

My previous semester here at U of M, was full of anxiety attacks, sleepless nights and missed deadlines. Nonetheless, nobody contributed more to my frustration than my now ex-roommate (who, for the sake of the privacy which she doesn’t deserve, will be renamed)…Puerco. Feel free to Google the meaning of that.

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Puerco was everything wrong with humanity. She was an ignorant, sleep-talking, sleep-farting, belching, gut-scratching, unhealthy, anti-social ball of greasy awkwardness. I’d be able to identify her ass crack in a police line-up from six miles away.

Backstory = Last semester, I roomed directly with Puerco and the other room in our suite was occupied by an RA (who I will refer to as “Teletubbie”). They had met long before I entered the equation and together they joined forces to make my life unbearable.

Continue reading The Roommate from Hell…